adventure,  balance,  California living,  mental health,  mindfulness,  musician life,  running,  self care,  travel


Did you know that America is the only advanced economy that doesn’t guarantee paid vacation? Think of what most European countries get – 20-something days in addition to national holidays, so a total around 34 days – and you realize what a raw deal we get.

For those of us who are independent contractors, however, it can be a different story. While I try to maximize my work (given that I have no guaranteed assurance of future gigs), it conversely also gives me some flexibility in my own time off. Those of you who follow my various social media that I’ve had a particularly busy season, often on the road for months at a time. So I was being very mindful of my need for some serious R&R when I planned for 3 weeks off in August.

Yep, you read that right, 3 weeks. And, guys, time off is so amazing and soooooo necessary. It took my brain and body a full 3-4 days just to make the initial decompression from my usual pack-fly-work-fly-unpack-repack schedule. It was weird not to be juggling half a dozen scores and checking in to a flight every few days. But knowing that I’m not one to feel relaxed just sitting back at home, we planned for some fun stuff.

Sugarloaf sunset
A very sweaty 7 mile hike
Walking along ocean cliffs just makes me so happy
Cool NorCal nights and a private fire pit? Yes please!
A foggy Half Moon Bay adventure
Pinkerton is loving vacation too
A perfect way to end the day
And perfect trails to run the next day

(I know, I’m in hats a lot but, hey, sun safety! )

I feel so fortunate to be able to carve out this time for myself (and yes I did turn down some work). But in the long run I feel like these decisions to prioritize self care are just as much of an investment in my life as a whole as it would be to take work during these few weeks. Life is indeed short, and I don’t want to spend all of it on an airplane alone. I want to be out in nature, camping, hiking, hanging out with my husband and dog, eating, drinking, running, walking along foggy beaches.

This is more of a reminder to myself than it is advice to anyone, because I find it so difficult to take time off. I have to constantly fight the feeling of guilt, that I should be accomplishing something. But I’ll have nothing to give if I can’t replenish the stores of energy within me, and I can’t be a part of our shared humanity if I don’t feel human myself.

So, rest, reset, reboot. I have a few more days off and I intend to maximize! I hope all of you are getting some joyfully unscheduled time yourselves, it’s absolutely worth it.

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